Cleansing Psychic Energy

Whenever you are moving through this world, you pick up the psychic energy of people and things around you. This energy gets combined with your own energy can cause you all sorts of problems in your daily life. Visit this website to study psychic grounding and its effects in more depth.

For example, an excessive amount of energy, either positive or negative, stored up in your system can block any free flow of new energy through you. This may seem insignificant, but if you think about it, it can be quite serious. The energy flowing through your psyche includes ideas, thoughts, sensations, emotions, creativity, inspiration, and so forth.

The energy flowing through your body allows free flowing of your blood, your oxygen, your hormones, the release of toxins from your body, etc.

So, you can clearly see why a thorough psychic energy cleansing can mean the difference between feeling blocked and depressed, and maybe even constipated, and feeling refreshed, inspired, and full of ideas.

Cleansing requires first that we let go of all of the built up energy inside us. Picture a ball of dark energy just in all tied up within you. It might start at your head and fill you up even to the center of your chest.

Now take your hands,either physically or imaginary – does not matter. You are manipulating your energy either way. Lift them up over your head and push down on that black mass. Keep pushing it all the way down past the bottom of your feet, out into the earth. Don’t leave one speck of energy within you. You don’t need it. It is all used up and you need to make room for a fresh batch.

Once you have let go of all that energy, imagine you are opening up a sort of door on the top of your head – at your crown chakra. Now pull your own energy, your fresh bright white energy, from every corner of the universe. You are pulling your energy to you from wherever it might have spread. Now visualize that white light pouring into your body through the top of your head.

It is filling up your feet, up past your ankles and your knees. You see it filling your thighs, the tips of your fingers. Keep pouring the energy into your body up past your stomach and your chest, past your elbows, past your neck through your throat, filling your face and your cheeks. Keep pouring that white light up to the very top of your head.

Now it is overflowing – just keep pouring. It is spilling down across your shoulders like a fountain of light. It covers you and flows around you in every direction. There is more beautiful, sparkling white energy flowing around you than you need. It touches everyone and everything nearby.

Now, you can pull in that energy field and wrap it around yourself like a blanket, or you can let it flow and spread light and energy to everyone you see. The choice is yours. To study more about psychic energy, you can visit Freely-Psychic.

A very important reason to learn to do a thorough psychic cleansing is because you not only pick up the energy from other people you come into contact with, but you also inadvertently share your energy with them. So, if you are carrying around a bunch of negative energy, you can be spreading it to your friends and family, and even to strangers, unawares. As you can see, this can have a negative impact on your entire environment.

This can be especially bad in a working environment where the multiplication of negative energy throughout an entire building can cause layer upon layer of difficulties; trouble with co-workers, trouble with clients, even trouble with electronic equipment like computers, printers, and copiers!

Keeping the energy in your environment clean and renewed should become such a habit that you can cleanse your psychic energy, and the psychic energy around you, automatically, without much effort. It should be practiced daily at home and out in the workplace.

For those who are searching the Internet for info about the sphere of emotional freedom technique training, then check out the website which is mentioned right in this line.

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