Tag Archives: Focus Your Mind

A Simple Exercise To Develop Your Focus And Be Happy

It only takes a few minutes to experience the difference between what it feels like to be focused and being distracted – I’ve been enabling people to focus for over fifteen years and I know that it works. And each … Continue reading

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Life’s Challenges: Surfing Life’s Big Waves

I recently received an invoice from my lawyer – for what exactly I’m not, as what he’d done for me didn’t really match the bill! He said he was ’dispatching’ invoices to various clients to “keep the wolf from the … Continue reading

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Practical Personal Growth Tips: Taking A Breather

Once the day gets going it’s very easy to get swept away by the routine, the urgent (not necessarily the important), the latest minor crisis or, most common of all, useless thought. Even if you have started your day properly, … Continue reading

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Changing Your Life And The Curse Of Useless Thought

I have been holding Personal Development Seminars for nearly sixteen years and even now, after all that time working on my own mind, I get out of bed some mornings niggled by stupid thoughts – or the little rascals come … Continue reading

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The Importance Of Relaxation

It realy is bizarre. I know lots of people who have told me that they simply cannot how to relax. One client told me that he feels guilty sitting relaxing on a Saturday – he feels obliged to fly around … Continue reading

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It’s Your Life – It’s Your Responsibility

I’m forever ranting on about the way so-called “normal” people are mad and that it is up to each of us to “stop the madness”. Having recently spent a day chatting with a number of long-standing personal development clients with … Continue reading

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Get Your Head In Gear – The Only Way To Self Improvement

If you don’t appreciate how important it is to focus your mind, you can never live the dream. You’ll never achieve anything great and you will be forever plagued by the self sabotaging thoughts and voices in your head that … Continue reading

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Only You Can Change Your Life

It’s down to you to change your life – but only you can do it. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the everyday detail of your life, what barriers you confront in life or what problems you think you have. … Continue reading

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