When we are required decisive action, upon which, if not the whole future life, then some important part of it, we ask ourselves the same question: “What if ….” We experience anxiety, uncertainty and fear of the possible outcome of the decision. “What if” – we ask ourselves again and again, until suddenly discover that all the previous life existed in a kind of “subjunctive mood”. How to get rid of the fear of change and learn to make fateful decisions? With this question we turned to psychologists.
Psychologists say that most often thought of “what if” is associated with anxiety, uncertainty and impending catastrophe. Such matters are unlikely asked homo erectus, there is no escaping from it to homo sapiens. So what are the recipes to combat such thoughts?
You can try to send in another direction your thinking “what if …». What if consciously search for alternative questions which you could focus on? Instead of looking for the answer to the question: “What if he rejects me?” – Try to think: “What if he does like me? What happens next? »
Another example: Instead of asking yourself: “What if the plane will fall?”, Just ask: “What if it arrives too early?” Try to answer your own questions. Assume that you are nervous before a trip to another country. You are unwittingly drawn into a whirlpool of thoughts: “What if I get sick there? What if I lose money? What if I will be lost and I cannot find anyone who knows the language? »
Instead of repeating the same questions over and over again, try to find answers to them. Take a book about traveling abroad. Contact your travel agent. Gather as much information about the country where you going to go. If you are worried about whether there hospitals that treat your illness, find out and chill out.
A variety of relaxation techniques will help you to relax. You can find an interesting book, which will occupy your mind and distract from anxiety, and listen to recordings of the developed techniques of relaxation.
A break from thinking “what if …». Meditation will help you and everything that can distract your attention. Very convenient to think of each part of your body in isolation and imagine it in a relaxed state, while practicing deep, slow breath.
Positive or realistic, “What if …»
I must say that thinking “what if …” is not always wrong. It can and should be used in a positive, realistic plan. In the end, the imagination can build the optimistic images of no less successful than pessimistic. In some cases, the ability to identify potential problems in advance allows you to be better prepared to address them.
Thinking “what if …” is not an error if it is used in order to spur the imagination to seek new opportunities or to prepare for hard work. But, unfortunately, the power of imagination is too often used only to create script woes, piling one improbability to the next.
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